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Sleep Problems Among Teenagers

A great many teenagers do not get anything like the amount of proper regular sleep the need. Not having enough sleep on a regular basis can lead to a sleep deficit, which can create emotional problems and also the inability to be able to concentration on their work and studies.

Sleep problems among adolescents are much more common in comparison to adults and younger children because of several reasons. Some doctors will tell you that a teenager's biological clock alters during adolescence, which makes it more difficult for teenager's to fall asleep and wake up early and refreshed the next morning. The changes to a teenager's body are created by the brain hormone called "melatonin" that is produced by a teenager later at night in adolescents, this makes it difficult teens to sleep properly. This sleep disorder is known as "delayed sleep phase syndrome", which affects very many teens. Other causes of sleep problems among adolescents include stress, drugs, physical discomforts or poor sleeping environment.

5 sleep problems that are disruptive to your teenager's sleep patterns:

* Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) this happens when your leg and arm movements disturbs sleep, making your teenager's bad tempered and tired from lack of sleep. With this complaint, the teenager is unaware that they are moving their arms or legs whilst sleeping.

*Restless Leg Syndrome or (RLS) is in some ways similar to condition PLMD, the few differences being the feeling of burning, itching, and tingling in the legs. To help this sleep disorder the sufferer needs to move the arms and legs quite vigorously. Although the medical profession now has medication that can help RLS and PLMD.

*Sleep apnea is a sleep problem that is also quite common. A person with this disorder stops breathing suddenly whilst asleep. Sleep apnea is caused by/c swollen adenoids/c enlarged tonsils/c and obesity/c although there are more causes as well. If your teen is suffering from this sleep problem/c they will find it hard to breath/c snore

* Teenager's do not often experience nightmares, however, when they do, these nightmares can definitely disturb a teen's sleep. Insomnia, stress, anxiety and other emotional issues, drugs, alcohol, medication and lack of sleep can cause nightmares. A counselor, doctor, or therapist, help to treat frequent nightmares.

* Adolescents don't often suffer from sleepwalking. this can be caused by a fever or even lack of sleep. Also, these types of sleep problems can often run in your family, and if this is the case, try not to worry because sleepwalking is not harmful. All you have to do is help the sleepwalker back to bed.

With the correct medicine and help from the medical profession, sleep problems among adolescents can be treated. However, you should get help right away if the the problems continue for any length of time.

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