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Natural Mood Boosters

Mood can be defined as a state of mind or a feeling. We will all experience low moods, or be down in the dumps from time to time and this is a normal part of the human condition. Our moods are not static; they can be affected by many factors including diet, environmental and biological influences and even our lifestyle. So is there anything we can do to boost our mood and lift our spirits naturally?

Oily fish and fish oil

Arguably the most effective mood boosting foods are oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout and anchovies or purified fish oil supplements made from these fish. Countless studies have now demonstrated the mood enhancing effect of fish oil. So what is it about oily fish that is so special?

Oily fish contains omega 3 fatty acids, including EPA or Eicosapentaenoic acid, which is essential for optimum brain function on a day to day basis and as our bodies cannot produce EPA, we have to source it from the diet. If the brain doesn't get EPA, it will use inferior fatty acids that are not cut out for the job and the result can be depression and physical illness.

These days it isn't advisable to eat too much fish due to the amount of toxins they contain but purified fish oil supplements are an excellent way to get your daily dose of EPA and improve your mood.

St John's Wort

St John's Wort is a herb that has been described by some as nature's answer to Prozac. It is an old folk remedy used to treat anxiety, sleep problems and sadness. Many research studies have highlighted the mood enhancing effect of St John's Wort supplements and it is now considered by many to be an effective remedy for mild depression. However, it shouldn't be taken without first seeking advice from your doctor as St John's Wort can interact with other medicines, both prescription and over the counter, and there are other contraindications to be considered too.


One of the most effective and natural ways to boost mood is to increase the amount of physical activity you do as it releases 'feel good' chemicals in the brain and reduces stress. If going to the gym or taking up a sport is not for you, studies have shown that taking a short daily walk in the countryside can increase feelings of well being and lift the spirits.

B Vitamins

Increasing consumption of foods high in B vitamins or taking Vitamin B supplements can help ward off depression and improve your health in general. The body needs a steady supply of B vitamins for mental and physical health as they cannot be stored in the body and are also destroyed by alcohol, tea, coffee and nicotine. The B vitamins can be found in dark leafy green vegetables, beans and peas as well as grains like oats and wheat.


There is no doubt that an adequate dose of sunlight is essential for good mental health as sunlight increases serotonin levels. Indeed in the Northern Hemisphere, where the winter days are short and there is very little sunlight, many people suffer from SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Symptoms include sadness, fatigue and sleep disturbances. Trying to get around 30 minutes outside in the sun each morning can make all the difference to your mood.


Caffeine is a drug that is used all over the world to give us a boost and wake us up, most commonly in the form of coffee or tea, but it is also in many medicines and soft drinks. It is classed as a stimulant so can help us to get going, to feel more alert and generally give us a lift. However, the down side is that too much caffeine is not good for health and can cause shaking, rapid heartbeat and increased feelings of nervousness and anxiety. Just like many other drugs, there are also nasty withdrawal symptoms when coming off caffeine so it should be taken in moderation.


Chocolate contains chemicals that help to improve mood including tryptophan, phenylethylamine and anandamide although the amounts of these chemicals in chocolate are believed to be too small to make any difference. The most likely explanation put forward by researchers for the boost given to us by chocolate is that the chemicals in chocolate help to sustain the levels of mood boosting chemicals in the brain for longer periods of time. However, the down side to eating chocolate is that overindulgence can lead to weight gain and therefore an increased risk of heart disease and other health problems. Again, should be taken in moderation.

A final word on depression

It is always worth remembering that getting enough sleep, eating the right foods, reducing the amount of stress in your life and taking time to relax each day can go a long way to improving mental as well as physical wellbeing. However, if you cannot shift your low moods and you find it difficult to carry out your normal daily routines, then the chances are you need some professional help from your doctor in order to get well again. Don't try to battle depression on your own, with the right help, it is treatable and the sooner it is dealt with the quicker you'll be back to your old self.


Depression and anxiety are serious mental health conditions that can strike anyone at anytime. For more information about depression and selp help come and visit our site.

Fibromyalgia- The Benefits Of Vitamins For Fibromyalgia

Copyright (c) 2008 Hailey Harris

Fibromyalgia is a disorder where patients suffer from chronic muscle pain and tactile allodynia. In severe cases, allodynia becomes so serious that even being touched by the clothes the patient is wearing causes pain.

This disorder also causes 'tender joints', or in other words pain on tender points on the body which includes the neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms or legs. These parts hurt when they are even touched tenderly. Fibromyalgia also makes the patients suffer from fatigue, sleeping disorders, morning stiffness, severe headaches and sometimes neuropsychiatric problems which include cognitive dysfunction, depressive symptoms and anxiety.

The causes of Fibromyalgia are not known, though study has attributed a number of things to be associated with this disorder to some extent of naming them as possible causes. These include stress, Serotonin, Dopamine abnormality and genetics among others. This disorder can affect anyone though it's more common in middle-aged women.

Though much study has been done since early 19th century, nothing has been found that can cure Fibromyalgia effectively. The doctors and scientists however suggest certain medicines that can help the patients by reducing the pain. The patients are also advised to get enough sleep and keep to some regular exercises.

But as the studies go on, it has been seen that diet patterns have a big role to play in bringing positive changes to the patients. For example patients suffering from Fibromyalgia have shown wonderful results with vitamins and supplements. Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia are anxious to know if they can be healed from this wrecking disease. It is good if they can remain as positive as possible. Their level of wellness in many aspects of their lives helps reduce their pain and prepare the body for a good healing process.

Vitamins helps one to have this state of mind and sound body by helping the body to have a natural balance by keeping the cell count to the required level at all times.

When people feel pain, they always think of taking a pain killer that can quickly relieve their pain. But this is not an affective way of eradicating the pain suffered by Fibromyalgia patients. The most effective way to treat them is by the use of vitamins and supplements. A pain killer or such kind of a pill will only give you temporary relieve. They will only cheat you that you are well, but it's not the case. But by using vitamins, the body is always kept healthy. Vitamins help the white blood cells which fight diseases in our bodies. Once the cellular level is maintained, the body is ready to fight any attacks and the body can get ready for healing.

Vitamins are available in most of the foods that we eat especially the vegetables and fruits. But since Fibromyalgia is a disorder that needs special attention, it is important for patients to know which types of vitamins are good for them and which one will bring the desired results fast with long time effect. If you are Fibromyalgia sufferer, you should think of getting professional counseling on this, no matter what the cost.

As for the supplements, there are many of them available in the market. But some of these supplements do not work so well with Fibromyalgia sufferers. And so, it is imperative to know which supplements won't have side effects on their bodies and which ones will. This information can only be found by asking experts who have been dealing with the disorder. Apart from the usual benefit of maintaining the cellular levels, vitamins and supplements also help in reducing the joint and muscle pain, reducing fatigue, boosting energy levels, improving the relaxation ability and reducing headaches among other benefits.

In nutshell, when a Fibromyalgia sufferer takes vitamins and combines them with supplements and starts practicing lifestyle change, he or she can get very good, positive results. Chemical compositions should not be used, which only give you cover up effect and later the problem recurs. Recently, scientists have come up with some medicines which work well with Fibromyalgia sufferers, but before you lay you hands on these medicines, try vitamins, the result can be amazing.


Hailey Harris is an expert in dealing with Fibromyalgia after suffering for more than 10 years with health problems. She is now symptom free and living a pain free life. She developed found at to help others learn to do the same. To receive tons of info, tips, and healing strategies for free visit .

"Contented awake time" - the key to baby sleep

In my experience, the most common reason for a baby fighting sleep at nap time and bedtime is overtiredness.

Babies who sleep poorly in the day often need a lot of parental help to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.

This is because they have become over stimulated through being awake for too long during the day, or due to poor quality naps (typically 30 minutes or less) when out and about.

Time and again people ask me for advice about their baby's night sleep and when I ask about day time naps they say "she won't nap for more than 15 minutes in the day" or, "he stopped napping before his first birthday".

The trouble with this is that these babies are awake for too long a period for their age. As a result they become chronically fatigued, find it harder to fall asleep, and/or stay asleep. Sleep problems then start to arise because parents assist their babies to sleep.

Of course, some babies really do need less sleep than others and can tolerate longer periods of time awake. But if your baby is finding it hard to settle to sleep, doesn't nap well in the day, and/or is waking regularly throughout the night, I suggest you look first at the amount of day sleep she is having and the length of time she is staying awake.

By keeping an eye on your baby and noticing her tired signs you will quickly learn how long she is able to stay awake and remain content. As soon as she starts to fuss, become frustrated, rub her eyes, or show other signs of tiredness, it's time for her to sleep.

Your baby is an individual and only she can show you how long she is happy to be awake without becoming overstimulated. Some approximate 'contented awake' times are:

0 - 3 weeks (15 - 30 minutes)

3 - 12 weeks (30 - 90 minutes)

3 - 7 months (1 - 2 hours)

7 - 12 months (2 - 3 hours)

1 - 2 years (3 - 5 hours)

2 - 3 years (5 - 8 hours)

All babies are different and these awake times are just a guideline. Interestingly, babies seem to have their shortest, 'contented awake' time in the morning and these then increase as the day goes along. So the longest period of 'contented awake' time is at the end of the day.

For example a seven month old baby may need a nap 1 hour and 45 minutes after waking in the morning. She is likely to then have a further two naps in the day and may be contentedly awake for three hours before her final sleep.

If your baby is staying awake for a longer period of time than is right for her age, she is very likely fighting sleep due to overtiredness. Some very tired babies will fall asleep easily at the end of the day into what I call a "dead" sleep. Unfortunately, they will often then wake many times throughout the night. But she will probably then wake regularly through the night because she was over stimulated before bedtime.

Another reason why your baby may fight sleep is because she isn't being prepared for what is about to happen. Your seven month old may be playing happily. She's been awake for about two hours and she starts to fuss. First she becomes frustrated with her toys, then she starts to rub her eyes with the back of her hand.

You know she's tired so you pick her up and put her in her cot. She shouts, screams even. In and out you go, trying to settle her, until she is beyond tired. Eventually, you get her up, concluding that she wasn't ready for a nap after all. This is a scenario I often hear about.

When you put your baby down for a nap, it's really important you do it as soon as she's tired because the window of opportunity here is quite small. Taking just ten minutes to finish what you're doing before taking your baby for a nap could mean she ends up overtired and will need a lot more help from you to fall asleep.

As soon as you see your baby is tired, take her to where she sleeps and then spend some time preparing her for her nap. The older your baby, the more time this will be. For example, a 2 year old may have been awake for 4 hours and will need maybe 20 minutes of calming down before a nap. A 4 month old baby may just need a five minute cuddle in a dark room until he is relaxed and ready for sleep. The aim is to help your baby become drowsy and ready to sleep.

At the end of the day, the preparation for bedtime will be longer, probably involving a bath and some music so your baby knows it's night time.

A tired (not over tired) baby, who has been prepared for sleep through a calming routine, will find it much easier to fall asleep without your help for naps. And a well rested baby, who has napped well in the day, will be able to settle herself to sleep at bedtime. Which is essential if you want your baby to sleep through the night without your help.


Co-founder of Sleepytot, Lucy Fitzgerald offers lots of free and friendly baby sleep advice on the Sleepytot blog. Visit Sleepytot to claim your FREE baby sleep guide.

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