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Sleep Problems Among Teenagers

A great many teenagers do not get anything like the amount of proper regular sleep the need. Not having enough sleep on a regular basis can lead to a sleep deficit, which can create emotional problems and also the inability to be able to concentration on their work and studies.

Sleep problems among adolescents are much more common in comparison to adults and younger children because of several reasons. Some doctors will tell you that a teenager's biological clock alters during adolescence, which makes it more difficult for teenager's to fall asleep and wake up early and refreshed the next morning. The changes to a teenager's body are created by the brain hormone called "melatonin" that is produced by a teenager later at night in adolescents, this makes it difficult teens to sleep properly. This sleep disorder is known as "delayed sleep phase syndrome", which affects very many teens. Other causes of sleep problems among adolescents include stress, drugs, physical discomforts or poor sleeping environment.

5 sleep problems that are disruptive to your teenager's sleep patterns:

* Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) this happens when your leg and arm movements disturbs sleep, making your teenager's bad tempered and tired from lack of sleep. With this complaint, the teenager is unaware that they are moving their arms or legs whilst sleeping.

*Restless Leg Syndrome or (RLS) is in some ways similar to condition PLMD, the few differences being the feeling of burning, itching, and tingling in the legs. To help this sleep disorder the sufferer needs to move the arms and legs quite vigorously. Although the medical profession now has medication that can help RLS and PLMD.

*Sleep apnea is a sleep problem that is also quite common. A person with this disorder stops breathing suddenly whilst asleep. Sleep apnea is caused by/c swollen adenoids/c enlarged tonsils/c and obesity/c although there are more causes as well. If your teen is suffering from this sleep problem/c they will find it hard to breath/c snore

* Teenager's do not often experience nightmares, however, when they do, these nightmares can definitely disturb a teen's sleep. Insomnia, stress, anxiety and other emotional issues, drugs, alcohol, medication and lack of sleep can cause nightmares. A counselor, doctor, or therapist, help to treat frequent nightmares.

* Adolescents don't often suffer from sleepwalking. this can be caused by a fever or even lack of sleep. Also, these types of sleep problems can often run in your family, and if this is the case, try not to worry because sleepwalking is not harmful. All you have to do is help the sleepwalker back to bed.

With the correct medicine and help from the medical profession, sleep problems among adolescents can be treated. However, you should get help right away if the the problems continue for any length of time.

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How Well do Natural Sleep Aid Supplements Work?

Sleep Aids Reviewed- In-depth Reviews of Sleeping Pills / Sleep Aid supplements

Looking for the right sleep aid to overcome your insomnia? You've come to the right place. Featured here are in-depth reviews of hundreds of sleep aid medications and sleep supplements to help you find the right product for you specific sleep problem.

We've identified an extensive range of sleeping pills available in the market from numerous manufacturers with different medications suitable for different people. We are quite confident that you will find a medication that suits your particular condition.

To make it easy for you to choose the sleep aid, we've ensured that review of each medication/supplement covers details of the ingredients of the product, an assessment of the product's composition, the benefits and effects (including negative or side effects), information about any clinical research to justify the claims of the sleep aid manufacturer and equally importantly, price. After all, we want to be sure you are not losing sleep over the money you spend on your sleeping pills! Moreover, wherever possible, we have also tried to present you with you comments from consumers of these sleeping pills elsewhere on their own experiences in overcoming their sleep problems with specific medications.

How to choose a sleeping pill / sleep supplement?

That's what we hope the reviews below will help you do! Each of the products below have proven to counter sleep disorders; many of them are good enough to tackle chronic insomnia.

Before you order a particular sleep aid, consider the following key aspects:

What is your specific problem and how serious and persistent is it? For example, are you suffering from chronic insomnia or a temporary sleep disorder?
Do you have any known allergies to the ingredients of the drug?
What does the drug actually do to your body ie. how does it work?
Is the sleep drug suited to any specific conditions that you may be undergoing, say for example, pregnancy or nursing?
Is the sleep aid compatible with any other medications you may be taking?
What is the recommended dosage and duration you will be required to take the capsules? Note that both dosage and duration have an impact on cost and as well the possibility of other side effects.
Is the manufacturer reliable and proven? After all, you don't want to lose any more sleep than you already are!

Last but not the least, how hard is it going to hit the wallet? You obviously don't want to risk it with cheap sleeping pills that may well be spurious, but at the same time you want to ensure that the pills are truly delivering the quantity and quality of sleep that your body and mind require, without any side effects.

So, here's wishing that your sleep problems are overcome with any of the sleep aids mentioned below. Read the reviews carefully, consider the above criteria and go ahead and purchase the right product that best addresses your sleep needs!

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The Educational Path to Obtaining an Oncologist Job

An oncologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancerous tumors. Their general duties include diagnosing the patient, requesting and analyzing tests, recommending treatment, carrying out treatment, checking up on the patient's status, and coordinating with other physicians and if necessary surgeons, to ensure the patient is getting the best possible treatment. Because the oncologist is present during the duration of the patient's treatment, it is important to maintain a caring and informative approach throughout the process.

The field of oncology evolves daily; currently, there are four main branches of oncology in which to specialize:

• Medical Oncology
• Radiation Oncology
• Pediatric Oncology
• Surgical Oncology

Becoming an oncologist, or any kind of doctor, is a lengthy, rigorous and intense process that is separated into five critical phases:

To obtain any sort of graduate degree, one must first complete their bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. Here are some helpful tips in choosing the undergraduate university that is best for your educational career:

• It has been recognized that many universities with medical schools tend to disproportionately accept students who attended their undergraduate program. Attending such a university would allow you to check out the medical program first hand and make a final decision on whether or not this is the right career path. If it is, you have a leg up on most of the other applicants.
• Some universities offer accelerated 6-year medical programs that allow you to complete your undergraduate and graduate degree two years faster than average. Keep in mind, this route is for those who are most certain in their decision to practice medicine.

Now that you have completed your Bachelor's degree with a fundamental knowledge of chemistry, human anatomy, physiology, ethics, and molecular biology, you are ready to apply to medical school. Here, you will begin your training as a medical professional and build a stronger foundation of knowledge in the field of oncology.

After attending medical school, you are now an oncologist in training. First you must complete a one year internship that serves to prepare you for your residency, which can last anywhere between 3 and 8 years. During your residency, you are allowed to practice medicine under the supervision of a licensed physician. If you are choosing to specialize in a specific branch, this is the phase to declare it.

After completing your residency, you are now prepared to become a certified oncologist. In the United States, one must pass a state-licensing exam, in order to legally practice medicine. The test consists of a written and oral exam as well as a review of the oncologist's work.

Because of the severity of the disease, there is constant research being conducted on cancer and new findings occur each year. Once you become board certified, it is your duty to maintain ongoing research in your field to provide your patients with the most up-to-date and relevant advice.

To learn more about careers in oncology visit the oncologist job page for more information and how to apply for a job.

For more information click here

Facts about Chiropractic and It's Functions beyond Back Pain Relief

Chiropractic is usually associated to the treatment of back pain, joint pains, and back injuries. But did you know chiropractic is also an alternative treatment for chronic ear infections and insomnia? But before discussing the less known functions of chiropractors, it is important to at least understand what it's all about.

Spinal manipulation has been practiced since the beginning of recorded time. Chinese records from about 2700 BC provide one of the earliest written references to spinal manipulation. Papyrus records kept by the Greeks and dating back to at least 1500 BC, note instructions for manipulating the legs in treating conditions of lower back pain. Records also indicate that the ancient Japanese, Indians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Syrians, Tibetans, and Native Americans practiced soft-tissue manipulation. It is also often related with the concept of homeopathy. This is an alternative medical treatment which revolves around the philosophy of using minimal treatment for a number of ailments. Homeopathy focuses on healing the underlying cause of disease, not simply eliminating the symptoms caused by the disease.

Chiropractic is recognized as a Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) for specific physical conditions. Chiropractic care involves diagnosing spinal misalignments and correcting them by adjusting the spine through manipulation on application of various degrees of pressure. This form of treatment has gained more and more acceptance, even among medical practitioners, because of consistent results.

The more known conditions associated with chiropractic care includes car accident injuries (e.g. whiplash), back injuries, lower back pain, arthritis, herniated discs, and sciatica. These conditions are generally connected with the spine and so, it is only suitable to approach chiropractors for help. Even pregnant women go under prenatal chiropractic care to relieve pregnancy symptoms such as back pain and headaches. This alternative treatment is also believed to further prepare the mother for actual birth by balancing the pelvis to allow the uterus to expand easily as the baby grows inside.

Chiropractic care also serves as post-surgical treatment for spine surgery and other orthopedic-related medical procedures. In addition to spinal manipulation, chiropractors are also qualified to provide soft tissue manipulation, such as muscle massage and ultrasound stimulation of deep tissue; physical examinations; X rays; counseling on lifestyle and nutritional changes; and counseling on exercises aimed at building flexibility, strength, and overall well-being.

As mentioned above, chiropractic care has also been used to treat chronic ear infections. Pain caused by the infection is the main reason for going to the chiropractor. Ear infection or otitis media accounts for over 35% of all pediatrician visits in the United States. Antibiotics, the usual treatment, are not always effective and may even lead to a recurrence of ear infections. What the chiropractor does is manipulate the cervical vertebrae (near the neck) which will eventually become better aligned. The alignment of this part of the vertebrae has been observed to provide better functioning of the Eustachian tube in the ear. A problem with this part of the inner ear often results to fluid build-up and soon, ear infections. Continuous research on chiropractic's ability to treat chronic ear infections has shown promising results, according to the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics.

Insomnia is another condition which can be managed with the help of alternative medical treatments. Although studies on the relationship of insomnia and chiropractic still has a long way to go, analysis of the relaxing effect of spinal manipulation does pose a very substantial basis for treating poor-quality sleep. Homeopathy is also a commonly recommended option for insomnia.

For problems such as herniated discs, sciatica pain, back injuries, auto accident injuries, ear infections, chronic headaches, and insomnia, try the chiropractic path. Look for certified chiropractors in your areas of Hollywood, Aventura, North Miami Beach, and Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Natural Life Chiropractic Center‎
Dr. Steven Feinzig
2120 Hollywood Boulevard,
Hollywood, FL 33020-6701
(954) 925-5000‎

For more information click here

Home Treatment for Ascites and Useful Remedies

In medicine (gastroenterology), ascites (also known as peritoneal cavity fluid, peritoneal fluid excess, hydroperitoneum or more archaically as abdominal dropsy) is an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
Although most usually due to cirrhosis and severe liver illness, its attendance can portend other important medical problems.
Diagnosis of the cause is more often than not with blood tests, an ultrasound scan of the stomach, and direct elimination of the fluid by spine or paracentesis (which may also be therapeutic). Treatment may be with tablets (diuretics), paracentesis, or further treatments heading for at the cause.
Causes of Ascites
The two most important factors in the production of ascites due to chronic liver disease are:
• Low levels of albumin in the blood that cause a change in the pressure necessary to prevent fluid exchange (osmotic pressure). This change in pressure allows fluid to seep out of the blood vessels.
• An augment in the force within the branches of the gateway vein that run during liver (portal hypertension). Portal hypertension is caused by the scarring that occurs in cirrhosis. Blood that cannot pour through the liver because of the augmented force leaks into the stomach and causes ascites.
Symptoms of Ascites
Small amounts of fluid in the abdomen do not usually produce symptoms. Massive accumulations may cause:
• rapid weight gain
• abdominal discomfort and distention
• shortness of breath
• swollen ankles
Treatment of Ascites
The condition that causes ascites will be treated, if possible.
Treatment may include:
* Diuretics or "water pills," to help take away the fluid; usually, spironolactone (Aldactone) is used at first, and then furosemide (Lasix) will be added
* Antibiotics, if a disease develops
* Restraining salt in the starve yourself (no more than 1,500 mg/day of sodium)
* Avoid consumption alcohol
Procedures used for ascites that do not react to medical treatment include:
* Placing a tube into the area to take away large volumes of fluid (called a large volume paracentesis)
* Tran jugular intrahepatic port systemic shunt (TIPS), which helps redirect blood approximately the liver
Home Remedies for Ascites
Some simple home remedies for Ascites are known below:
1. Garlic plays an important role in treatment of ascities. Mix half-teaspoon garlic juice in half glass of water and drink this juice daily for some days.
2. Take one-fourth litre water and add 25 gm gram and boil till it reduce to half. Strain the liquid and drink this for approximately 3 weeks.
3. Extract at least 25 ml bitter gourd juice. Mix it with water and drink thrice a day. It provides the required relief from ascites.
4. Make the juice of the radish plant leaves with water and drink it daily. It is very useful in the cure of ascites.
5. Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight an in morning strain and drink that water
6. Reduce quantity of water and instead of water Milk can be given to the Ascites sufferer. In take oftra water in the case of ascities adds more swelling and weight gain.
7. Include onion in your diet. It helps in draining surplus collected fluid through the means of urine.

Read more on Herbal Remedies for Ascites and Treatment of Ascites and also visit

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